Cal Adkins NLP Master Practitioner

Cal Adkins NLP Master Practitioner
Opening hours
NLP session by Zoom !This Service Consists Of Two Parts (Read Details)!
. Duration:45 mins··. Price:$100

Cal is a certified Master Practitioner in NLP, MER® (Mental and Emotional Release®), and Hypnotherapy by the Association for Integrative Psychology. He’s also been trained in Emotional Resolution (EmRes), Mindscape Intuition Method, and Body Talk Fundamentals.
Cal empowers his clients to shift their internal landscape, effortlessly release emotional baggage, breakthrough self-sabotaging patterns, and create new pathways for success, creativity, and personal fulfillment. This process rewires your mental framework, transcends limiting beliefs, transforms your view of the world, and empowers you to take control of your life by unlocking your infinite potential.
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